MKC Training Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club

As part of its pledge to support the Armed Forces Covenant, MKC Training organised an Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club event on 29 Apr 23.

There were 86 personnel from six local Breakfast Clubs present who were able to meet up with old comrades to discuss the topics of the day and reminisce about times gone by, it was great to see everyone and they all showed real gratitude in being able to enter the barracks. The refurbishment of Gordons Mess attracted very positive comments as did the general feel of the camp infrastructure.

It was clear that there was a feeling of belonging and homecoming to many of the veterans and it was a privilege to chat to some of those who had given so much service to their country. The presence of military widows was also a great example of inclusion and full integration of the community. It was clear from the pleasure that I saw in the faces of attendees that this was an extremely worthwhile activity.

There were presentations on the Breakfast Clubs, the REA, the Armed Forces Covenant and MKC Training’s role in the PPP which were all well received and the raffle raised £265 for Veterans in Action and £120 for Asthma & Lung charities.

The support from the Commanding Officer, the SSO and ESS in making the event such a success was outstanding and it was great to see support from Jez Endean, Mark Checksfield, Andy Bull and John Green (and Sue). It is hoped to organise another event in the near future but there are many opportunities to get involved in other local Breakfast Clubs and information can be seen by visiting

There is definitely the appetite (quite literally!) to repeat the event much later in the year and perhaps incorporate a workshop visit to those who are able, the Commanding Officer has already given his support to this idea and there will be more information to follow. It would be great to see other MKC Trg staff there next time.