Hampshire and IOW Air Cadets Leadership Course

Last weekend (28 April 2024) saw cadets from Hampshire & Isle Of Wight Royal Air Force Air Cadets take part in an intermediate silver leadership course. Over the course of the day, cadets explored teamwork, group dynamics, leadership culture, followership, roles, management verses leadership, target setting, prioritisation, delegation, team and individual leadership and practical leadership exercises.

Squadron Leader Stefan Dunkerley MA GCGI, Wing Training Officer for Hants & IoW RAFAC, said “The course invited cadets from across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, including those from CCF contingents, to develop their leadership skills through theoretical and practical learning. Cadets were then assessed on their learning through a variety of tasks, testing their ability not just to lead but to be a follower as well”

Well done to all who took part!

Being an Air Cadet is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. You can join for however long you want. We’re not a recruiting organisation for the main RAF, so all the skills you learn and experiences you gain will benefit whatever career path you choose.

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