Ash Manor School Combined Cadet Force were looking for a company to help install a newly purchased mast After calling several companies to see if they could install the mast at a reasonable cost; no one was willing take on the work required.
Their School Staff Instructor WO2 Chalmers (after a few telephone conversations) agreed a joint enterprise between Mr Colin Campbell from The Parachute Regiment Association and Mr Spencer Griffiths from The McAvoy Group. They both kindly agreed to help install the mast with a view to keeping community links alive.
The McAvoy Group are currently building the new Art, Design and Technology block at Ash Manor School.
On Monday 2 October, the mast was formally presented by both Mr Campbell and Mr Spencer to Miss Agnes Bailey, the Headteacher of Ash Manor School and Major Claire Johnson, CCF Contingent Commander. Those cadets not training off site attended. They are all happy they have a central focal point for their parades.
There are CCF contingents in over 500 secondary schools all over the UK, offering young people a broad range of challenging, exciting, adventurous and educational activities.
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