After C Company, 3rd Battalion, The Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment (3 PWRR) moved to Rochester 18 years ago, it has been re-invigorating local contacts in the community and increasing ‘’The Tigers’’ profile in a largely Navy and Royal Engineers area into an unstoppable force.

With C Company front and centre for the past six years at the Remembrance Day Parade; Medway Council recognised the Battalion’s efforts and the close Regimental contact in the area with the honour of the Freedom of Medway on the 26th of January 2018. The first since 2011, when the honour was bestowed upon HMS Chatham.

On Armed Forces Day, Saturday 24th June 2023, 3 PWRR was at the ‘Great Line’ with its kit and equipment stand ready to welcome visitors.
On Sunday 25th June 2023, The Regiment, represented by the 3rd Battalion; supported by the 1st and 4th Battalions with the Kings and Regimental Colours flying and guard of soldiers with rifles and fixed bayonets, had the honour to exercise the Freedom of Medway in the form of a parade through Rochester High Street.
The Parade started at 1130 am led by its own Regimental Band, past the Cathedral, down the high street and pausing for an honorary inspection by the Mayor and Senior Miliary Officer. It then continued along the High Street before turning round to complete a march past and salute, concluding on Bowley hill. A reception at The Corn Exchange followed, for all on parade, families and guests, where the colours stood until its conclusion.

To exercise the right to march through a town centre with Colours flying, bearing weapons and bayonets fixed is a distinct and rare opportunity. It was important to show the public that the Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment are a proud, professional infantry Regiment, worthy of this honour and now firmly part of ‘Medway’.
Not only was it an important day for the Regiment, but an opportunity for the friends and family to show their support and pride in the soldiers of the Regiment on this special Armed Forces weekend. Not possible without the support and thanks to Medway council and to SERFCA who provided the photographers and promoted the parade.
The Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment, also known as the Tigers, are a flexible, fighting Regiment.
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